
Showing posts from October, 2018

Using Beagle USB 12 on Ubuntu 18.04

I upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 18.04 then found the Total Phase Data Center software for the Beagle USB 12 no longer works. strace shows a number of missing shared libraries. The solution is to copy the missing libraries from 14.04 into the Data Center local library directory. data-center-linux-x86_64-v6.73/lib/

Adafruit M4 (SAMD51) and Playstation 3 Controller over Bluetooth

The USB Host Library for SAMD  now supports the PS3 game controller over Bluetooth. This is a port of the PS3BT code from the USB Host Shield 2.0 project. The Metro M4 is an Arduino compatible board from Adafruit. The SAMD51 is a Cortex M4 running at 120 MHz and has hardware floating point, 512 KB Flash, and 192 KB RAM. Components starting from the Metro M4 board. Adafruit Metro M4 with USB OTG to host adapter and USB Bluetooth plug USB FTDI serial board for serial console and power USB phone/tablet charger, 5V Playstation 3 controller (clone) with Bluetooth FTDI    | Metro M4 board ------  | --------- 5V      | VIN GND     | GND RXD     | TX-1  (Serial1) TXD     | RX-0  (Serial1)